

◉ 本文由聯合差傳事工促進會撰寫、翻譯、提供
◉ 英文禱告全文,亦張貼於Operation World官網



⓵ 為著COVID-19疫情在台灣目前得以控制感謝主。在全球大爆發之前,感謝主的保守,讓台灣的政府和公衛及醫療體系能提早建立防疫機制,並在疫情發展開始時,將所有疫情調查資訊公開,使人民可以安心並信任政府的防疫。

Praise the Lord that the COVID-19 pandemic is under control in Taiwan. We thank the Lord that God gave wisdom to our government, public health and medical officials to put protective measures in place early on before it started to affect the rest of the world. We are also thankful that during the whole development of the outbreak, they have been transparent with the Taiwanese people, which has led to the peace of mind of its citizens and trust in its government.

⓶ 為著台灣醫療系統和所有醫護人員禱告。在面對COVID-19疫情的衝擊,加上每天例行的醫療作業,醫護人員每天揹負著巨大的身心靈壓力。疫情的不穩定變化,也讓台灣的醫療系統面對無法預知的變數。這一切需要求主的看顧並加添心力和智慧來面對。

Pray for the medical system and all its workers. Due to all the needs that arise out of this outbreak, medical professionals need an extra measure of strength to cope with the ever-increasing workload they have to carry each day. The instability surrounding the pandemic has also made it difficult for the medical system to predict the ever-changing set of variables that are introduced every day. Please pray for an extra measure of strength and wisdom as they face these challenges.

⓷ 為著台灣人民心中的平安禱告。雖然政府的措施使人民感到安心,但是人們心中莫名的恐慌仍然隨時湧現。因為防疫措施所需要的社交距離、在公共場所需要戴口罩。人與人之間不再握手、擁抱,甚至過多的交談。這一切讓人心也產生距離,彼此也開始猜忌。求主賜下從祂而來的平安,使人心得以穩妥。

Pray for peace in the hearts of the Taiwanese people. Albeit the government’s anti-epidemic measures have given many peace of mind, fear still creeps into our hearts from time to time. Social distancing and mask-wearing in public areas have become the primary protective measure against the virus. Because of this, people don’t shake hands or embrace each other anymore, let alone have conversations. This has led to suspicion and people feeling more distant from one another. May our hearts find safety and security in His peace.

⓸ 為著台灣教會在疫情中能成為傳遞平安福音禱告。在這個時期,讓教會更能體會教會所存在的責任,不只是思考聚會形式、牧養形態的轉變,而是更能體會社會環境中人們的需要,使感到溫暖。

Pray that the church will be a conduit of peace and blessing. May the local church truly experience what it means to be the Church in this time, to live out her intended purpose and responsibility. Pray that local churches, in addition to thinking about ways to go about church service and pastoral ministry while social distancing, will invest their energy into seeing that the needs of those around them in society are also met.

⓹ 為著台灣的經濟活動來禱告。面對疫情,許多公司企業都採取相關防疫措施,而許多小型的公司或商店也都面臨支撐不住倒閉的危機。而許多在台灣的非營利組織更是受到運作的影響,募款也受到衝擊。在這個階段非常需要有信心和從神而來的智慧,如何讓影響降到最低。求主賜下智慧給經營者,並加添夠用的恩典。

Pray for the economy in Taiwan. Companies have adjusted themselves to comply with anti-epidemic protocols. However, there are many small businesses that are at risk of shutting down because they are not well-equipped to cope with all the changes. Many non-profits also are in the same predicament as fund-raising has become an even greater challenge. This is a time where greater faith and wisdom are needed so that negative impacts to these organizations are kept at a minimum. Pray that the Lord will impart wisdom and grace to the executives of these establishments.


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