【宣教心視野|文獻讀本的內容,重建了我的禱告習慣 ♥】

(文/2021宣教心視野春季 淡水班學員)


在 #青年使命團(YWAM)工作多年,我對課程「聖經視野」的內容大致上都很熟悉,不過針對主耶穌升天後到將來二次降臨的這段時間,我覺得課程給出了更深入、清楚的解釋,點出神的憐憫,及祂至高無上的主權,並將此刻我們正在等候基督再臨的這段時間,與宣教連在一起。


Reading the textbook over 5wks stirred up my passion and excitement for God and people, and for others to grasp these concepts. I loved the terms and clear explanations I read in the textbook, and has helped me to understand how I can better communicate what missions is and why we should care, to fellow Christians I am sharing with.

The majority of the Biblical Perspective content was very familiar to me, from working in YWAM for so many years. Yet the explanation of the time period between Christ’s ascension and His 2nd coming (“The Age of Tension”), went far more
in-depth and much clearer than our teaching in YWAM. It did more to highlight God’s mercy and supreme authority than I have heard in past teachings – which failed to connect “The Age of Tension” to a missional mindset.

The most impactful chapters have been those on Prayer. As Ch27(懇求的禱告) mentioned, over the last few years I had begun accepting the evil of the world/results of sin as “an unavoidable part of life”, and struggled to get my prayer life back to a
healthy place. Having the chapters which specifically touch on prayer helped to revive the power of my prayer as well as my prayer routine.