-萊特博士(Christopher J. H. Wright),著名舊約神學家及宣教學者

數據來源:Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary & Joshua Project |製圖:聯合差傳事工促進會 UMOT @ 2020.10

– Long-term Imbalance –
According to statistics, churches around the world are not as actively involved in cross-cultural mission. Many churches will devote themselves to evangelizing to their own communities, but lack the efforts in reaching out to other ethnic groups (whether internationally or domestically).
This trajectory leads to a long-term imbalance in fulfilling the Great Commission.
However, it is not that churches are not carrying out the Great Commission and engaging in mission cross-culturally. We believe that holistic missiology will bring churches to understand their role in God’s mission, and how to participate in it.
– Long-term Imbalance –
According to statistics, churches around the world are not as actively involved in cross-cultural mission. Many churches will devote themselves to evangelizing to their own communities, but lack the efforts in reaching out to other ethnic groups (whether internationally or domestically).
This trajectory leads to a long-term imbalance in fulfilling the Great Commission.
However, it is not that churches are not carrying out the Great Commission and engaging in mission cross-culturally. We believe that holistic missiology will bring churches to understand their role in God’s mission, and how to participate in it.
– We See Imbalance –
1997年,一群對差傳事工有負擔的李秀全牧師等牧者與機構領袖,自香港的「恩臨萬邦」活動結束返台後,有感成立本會,作為台灣推動宣教的資源網絡平台,幾經籌備討論後,將本會命名為聯合差傳事工促進會(United Missions of Taiwan),成立宗旨是「推動教會從事(參與)跨文化宣教,鼓勵差派宣教士,並推展宣教教育。」
❶ 引進並開辦宣教教育課程
❷ 舉辦宣教議題工作坊、講座、配搭活動
❸ 製作並發行為萬國萬族代禱的工具
❹ 經營多元網路社群平台,即時傳遞精彩的宣教動態資訊
❺ 與眾教會/宗派/機構/差會/(神)學院一起走,動員、參與宣教
In addition to evangelizing to our own communities, God has also commissioned us to go to other places and “make disciples of all nations.” The Chinese word “差傳” means sending missionaries to other places for the Great Commission.
In 1997, after attending the 「恩臨萬邦」event in Hong Kong, Pastor Morley S. Lee along with a group of pastors and different organizations’ leaders were moved to establish United Missions of Taiwan (UMOT) with its mission of promoting and educating cross-cultural missions and encouraging more people to participate in missions.
We hope to see more churches and Christians be equipped by a holistic viewpoint of missions, and choose to be aware and participate in cross-cultural missions. To accomplish that, we have initiated a few important things:
❶ Introduce and organize missional education courses
❷ Hold missional workshop, conference, and activities
❸ Edit and publish materials to pray for all nations
❹ Run various social media platforms and deliver excellent and informational content on missions
❺ Mobilize, participate and work alongside all churches, denominations, organizations, and seminaries
– We See Imbalance –
1997年,一群對差傳事工有負擔的李秀全牧師等牧者與機構領袖,自香港的「恩臨萬邦」活動結束返台後,有感成立本會,作為台灣推動宣教的資源網絡平台,幾經籌備討論後,將本會命名為聯合差傳事工促進會(United Missions of Taiwan),成立宗旨是「推動教會從事(參與)跨文化宣教,鼓勵差派宣教士,並推展宣教教育。」
❶ 引進並開辦宣教教育課程
❷ 舉辦宣教議題工作坊、講座、配搭活動
❸ 製作並發行為萬國萬族代禱的工具
❹ 經營多元網路社群平台,即時傳遞精彩宣教資訊
❺ 與眾教會/宗派/機構/差會/(神)學院一起走,動員、參與宣教
In addition to evangelizing to our own communities, God has also commissioned us to go to other places and “make disciples of all nations.” The Chinese word “差傳” means sending missionaries to other places for the Great Commission.
In 1997, after attending the 「恩臨萬邦」event in Hong Kong, Pastor Morley S. Lee along with a group of pastors and different organizations’ leaders were moved to establish United Missions of Taiwan (UMOT) with its mission of promoting and educating cross-cultural missions and encouraging more people to participate in missions.
We hope to see more churches and Christians be equipped by a holistic viewpoint of missions, and choose to be aware and participate in cross-cultural missions. To accomplish that, we have initiated a few important things:
❶ Introduce and organize missional education courses
❷ Hold missional workshop, conference, and activities
❸ Edit and publish materials to pray for all nations
❹ Run various social media platforms and deliver excellent and informational content on missions
❺ Mobilize, participate and work alongside all churches, denominations, organizations, and seminaries

UMOT’s chairmen
Past chairmen includes Pastor Morley S. Lee (李秀全牧師), Elder Jia-Chang Zheng (鄭家常長老), Elder Chien Li (李健長老), Pastor James Shia (夏忠堅牧師), and Ray Peng (彭書睿弟兄). Currently, Ms. Ruth Chen (陳香如姐妹) serves as the organization’s chairman and Pastor Hsia, Chao Fan (夏超凡牧師) serves as the organization’s Secretary-General.
The lens of history
The picture of UMOT’s first board of Directors

Secretary General
Education Coordinator (Perspectives)
Education Coordinator (Kids mission)
Project Editor
文字編輯 & EWI行政統籌
Editor & EWI Administrative coordination
Administrative & Finance Department
HR & Financial Supervisor
Event Planner

In recent years, Chinese churches around the world have entered the modern era of missions. However, many Christians still don’t know how to participate in missions as many churches lack resources on educating missions. Therefore, UMOT, along with other mission organizations and strategists, started to introduce well-known educational courses on mission in Taiwan to help people better understand missions and find their roles in the Great Commission.
These courses include Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, Xplore, and Encountering the World of Islam. In order to respond to the needs of churches, we started a new course: Outset. In addition to this, UMOT currently is also actively developing missions education for children.

In order to help Taiwanese Christians gain more understandings on cross-cultural mission issues, we organize or co-organize all kinds of activities and gatherings. We also invite missionaries or scholars to share their experiences. Co-organizers include churches, organizations, institutions, and seminaries. In the past, we have held prayer meetings, conferences for the youth, conferences for mission, exhibitions on missions, and missional educational camps for children, etc. We also helped churches hold annual missional conferences and Sunday school for children. We will keep running all kinds of activities and gatherings and bring those important and relevant missional issues to Taiwanese churches.

*代禱工具包括《宣教日引》禱告季刊、「改變世界的旅程」為萬國禱告系列影片、為佛教徒/印度教徒15天禱告手冊、「改變世界的旅程 – 為萬國禱告」臉書粉專等。
Have you ever heard this? “Prayer is the root of mission, and the mission is the fruit of prayers.” Prayer is a strong foundation for all missional work. Looking back on the long history, it is not hard to find out that prayers brought revivals to different people groups and nations. With prayers, William Carey created the first mission agency. The prayer of five college students brought revival to the American youth, which led many to devote themselves to the mission fields resulting in the Gospel being shared to the world, including China. Moreover, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Gospel entering East Europe, and the conversion of Muslims to Christian are all results of global prayers.
We are committed to edit, publish, promote, and provide a variety of prayer resources for personal use or in your church. We hope brothers and sisters can use the material and pray for all nations and all unreached people group. Let us participate in God’s missions by prayers. Perhaps we cannot physically go to all the different places in the world, but our prayers can.
*These resources include Mission Pathway (宣教日引), Prayercast videos, the 15 Days Buddhists/Hindus World Prayer Guide, etc. We also have a Facebook page (@praychangeworld) where we post prayers for the nations of the world and unreached people groups.

In this digital age, we make use of various social media platforms like Facebook, LINE, Instagram and our website to deliver excellent and informational content on missions that you can receive and share instantly with your followers. Follow us on:
[Facebook] @unitedmissions
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